Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary; "I Do Not Approve That Message"

Hillary Clinton reiterated her support of Barack Obama tonight. As she's done before, she went through the key issues to show that Obama's positions are very close to her positions.

Since Clinton dropped out of the primary, Democrats and pundits have argued that Clinton supporters would surely rally behind Barack Obama since he agrees with Hillary on the issues much more than McCain. Some have even argued that former Hillary supporters that now support McCain must be racist. But that begs the question: If Hillary's positions were so close to Baracks, why were they both running? Why didn't Hillary drop out when it was clear she was going to lose, if Barack would have been just as good?

They might have been close on the issues, but the issues are not all the matters. Experience also matters. Indeed, Clinton made that a focus of her primary campaign, pointing out how much more experienced she was than Obama. The Republican National Committee has now come out with an ad using her own words against Obama:

In response, Hillary wisecracked, "I do not approve that message."

What part doesn't she approve of? She did say it, didn't she? It is this type of two-faced politics that this blog was created to spotlight. Political pundits might give her a free pass, but you won't get one from me for saying something just because it was politically advantageous at the time. If you said Obama was not experienced enough for the job, stand by it or you're part of what's wrong with this country.

And shame on the media for making excuses for her ("Oh, she ran a tough primary campaign? That's politics."). A lie is a lie.

Wrong Rating: 2 out or 4 (misrepresentation)

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